5 ways to get permanent resident visa in Australia

5 ways to get permanent resident visa in Australia

First and foremost, congratulations if you want to obtain a permanent resident visa in Australia. In certain circumstances, you will need persistence, hard work, commitment, and dedication. Whatever your trip, welcome to Australia. Now that you’ve arrived, this article will provide you with ways to get a permanent resident visa in Australia, as well as the next steps you can take to become an Australian citizen.

6 Steps to get Australian PR in 2023 – via the General Skilled Migration Program

1. Check your eligibility

First, you must determine which occupation you fall into, according to the Australian Immigration definition, and which list this occupation is on. There are distinct lists for each of the visas listed above, so make sure you find your occupation on the list that corresponds to the visa for which you intend to apply.

If your occupation does not appear on any of the three visa lists, you will be unable to apply for a General Skilled Migration Visa.

2. Skill Assessment

The second stage in obtaining PR in Australia is to determine whether you would receive a positive Skills Assessment (also known as “career validation or recognition”) from the agency that assesses your occupation.

Every occupation has its own Skills Assessment Authority. For example:

Engineers—Engineers Australia
IT Professionals—Australian Computer Society (ACS)
Nurses—Australian Nursing & Midwifery Accreditation Council
Marketing professionals—VETASSESS
And many others

Each authority has its own criteria for approving your skills assessment, such as job experience, qualification, a particular level of English, and so on. So it is critical that you become acquainted with the skills assessment authority for your occupation and what they require before you begin planning to apply for a visa and invest time and money in this project.

3. Point test

The three Skilled Migration Visas we mentioned (189, 190, and 491) are points-tested, which means you must meet certain criteria and gain points in each category. This allows the Department of Home Affairs to identify who possesses the necessary skills and traits before making a decision.

The minimum points required to submit an Expression of Interest for one of these three visas is 65. The points are divided into the following categories:

Age: 0 to 30 points, with a minimum age of 18 and a maximum age of 45.
Academic qualifications range from 0 to 20 points, based on whether the individual holds a technical certificate/diploma, a bachelor/master degree, or a PhD.
Work Experience: 0 to 20 points, depending on how many years of work experience one has, if the experience is in the selected occupation for migration, and if the experience was in Australia or other countries.
Proficiency in English: To claim points here, all students must take an English exam and attain a minimum score. Points are assigned 0-20 based on the English exam score.
Study in Australia: 5 points if you studied in Australia for at least two years and earned a diploma or trade certificate.
Study in Low Population Areas of Australia: 5 or 10 extra points if your studies in Australia were completed in one of the Designated Regional Areas of Australia, as determined by the government.
Obtain accreditation in Australia as a translator of another language. Five points.
Skilled Spouse: 5 to 10 points if the applicant’s spouse has a skilled vocation and/or a minimal level of competent English, which can be shown in a variety of ways.
Single applicants should acquire 10 points to avoid being disadvantaged.
Professional Year: 5 points.
Nomination/Sponsorship from an Australian State: 5 or 15 points, depending on the candidate’s profession, the state or territory wanting that profession, and whether the visa is temporary or permanent.

4. English Test

Anyone seeking permanent residency in Australia and applying for any of these visas must demonstrate at least Competent English, which equates to a 6 on each test component. The way to do this is to take an English test. Australian immigration recognizes IELTS, Cambridge, TOEFL, and PTE. If you are from the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Ireland, or New Zealand, you are considered to have competent English and will not be required to take a test.

5. Expression of Interest

Even if you qualify, you cannot just apply for a visa in Australia. You must first be invited by the government, whether for an independent 189 visa or a regional 190 or 491 visa, which includes states and territories.

To be invited, submit an Expression of Interest using SkillSelect, a mechanism that automatically picks persons based on their point test rating. This is why, if you are applying for an 189 visa, you may need to aim for a better score than the minimum of 65 because competition is fierce.

6. Applying for a Visa

Once you receive an invitation from SkillSelect, the next step in obtaining a permanent visa in Australia is to prepare and submit a visa application. This is the opportunity to provide evidence for everything you asserted during the points test and Expression of Interest.

5 ways to get permanent resident visa in Australia

1. Australian citizen/Permanent resident family

Partner visas are for people who have a committed connection with an Australian. Partner visas are available for married or de facto relationships, including offshore Subclass 309/100, onshore Subclass 820/801, and prospective marriage Subclass 300.

Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for one of the visas listed below

Subclass 300 is a temporary visa for partners of Australian citizens/permanent residents who desire to live and marry in Australia.

Once married, they can apply for a partner visa onshore under Subclass 820/801.

After two years from the date of your 309/100 application, you may be eligible for a 100 visa, which is a permanent residence.

2. Global Talent Visa Australia Program

The Global Talent Visa (Subclass 858) is a streamlined visa scheme that allows highly talented people to relocate to Australia.

The Global Talent visa application and processing period are simpler and faster than for many other Australian visas.

There is no age limit or point testing, and it gives automatic permanent residency with a quick processing period to extremely talented applicants.

This visa category is for individuals with internationally recognized records of extraordinary and outstanding accomplishments.

Furthermore, applicants must be able to earn more than 158,500 AUD to boost their chances of receiving an invitation.

Additionally, you must have an acceptable nominator who is well-known in your industry.

Your nominator could be an Australian person or organization.

Finally, if you have abilities in one of the GTI program’s priority industries, you can apply via the Global Talent Stream.

3. Skilled Migration Program

This includes General Skilled Migration (GSM) visas such as Subclass 189, Subclass 190, and Subclass 491—the most popular means to get Australian permanent residency. This is a points-based visa and a significant part of the Australian migration program.

If you have abilities listed on the Australian Skilled Occupation List, you might be interested in this program.

There are three streams in the skilled migration program.

Visa Subclass 189 skilled independent
Visa Subclass 190
Visa Subclass 491

The DHA website contains a list of skilled vocations in demand in Australia. If you have abilities related to one of these occupations, you may be qualified to apply for a GSM visa. These are point-based visas, and eligibility requires a minimum of 65 points.

Australia PR Points are mostly based on variables such as

Work experience
Study in regional Australia
English language test results
Partner skills
State sponsorship (points awarded for 190 and 491 visas only).

If you are eligible, you must obtain a positive competence evaluation from the appropriate skill-assessing authority for your occupation.

You will also need to demonstrate competent English (IELTS 6.0 or equivalent). You may require higher English exam results for a higher point test score.

For some skilled migrants interested in owning a small business in Australia, four states, including Queensland, Tasmania, South Australia, and the Australian Capital Territory, offer small business owner pathways to 491 or 190 nominations.

Please see the link above for the Start-up and Small Business Owner streams requirements in South Australia.

4. Business Innovation and Investment Visa 188

This comprises the Provisional visa Subclass 188 and its permanent residency pathway visa, Subclass 888.

The subclass 188 visa is a temporary residence permit that allows international business migrants to stay in Australia for up to four years.

Once your visa is granted, you will be able to perform business and investment activities in Australia.

5. Employer-sponsored Visa

Australia’s employer-sponsored visa program enables Australian firms to quickly obtain the support they need. The initiative is designed to assist firms that are having trouble employing local workers for one or more of the following reasons:

The job requires specialized talents that are in limited supply in Australia, and the location is not appealing to local workers.

The most popular visa choices for employer-sponsored visas include the following subclasses:

482 Temporary Skills Shortage Visa
186 Employer Nominated Scheme (Permanent) Visa
494 Skilled Employer Sponsored Regional (Provisional) Visa

If you have an Australian employer, you may be eligible for employer-sponsored visas.

Visa 186 is a permanent residency visa, whereas Visas 482 and 494 are temporary visas with pathways to PR if the requirements are completed.

After three years of working for an employer on 482 visas, the employer may sponsor the employee for 186, depending on the applicant’s occupation.

There are usually two types of occupations: short-term and long-term, which determine your permanent residency pathway.

After working for the firm for three years on a 494 visa, the employee may apply for permanent residency via Subclass 191 visa if they satisfy the relevant income level criterion, which is presently set at AUD 53,900. This figure is subject to fluctuation due to inflation after every financial year.

The most difficult aspect of this program is finding an Australian employer who is prepared to sponsor you.

The Australian government has just announced that short-term 482 visa holders who were in Australia during the Covid-19 outbreak will be able to apply for Permanent Residency Visa 186.

Australia permanent residency requirements

Work Experience

Work experience is an important factor in the examination for Australian Permanent Residency (PR), with points provided based on the length and significance of your job history in Australia and abroad. Understanding how these points are assigned can have a significant impact on your application’s success.

Overseas Skilled Employment (Outside Australia):

Less than 3 years: 0 points
At least 3 but less than 5 years: 5 points
At least 5 but less than 8 years: 10 points
At least 8 years: 15 points

Australian Skilled Employment (In Australia):

Less than 1 year: 0 points
At least 1 but less than 3 years: 5 points
At least 3 but less than 5 years: 10 points
At least 5 but less than 8 years: 15 points
At least 8 years: 20 points

Other points to consider for Work Experience Australia PR:

Relevant Employment: You must have worked in your stated or substantially related occupation during the last 10 years.
Employment Status: At least 20 hours per week are required.
Visa Compliance: To work in Australia, you must have a substantive or bridging A/B visa and have met the requirements.
Closely Related Occupations: These are positions within the same ANZSCO Unit Group that are related to career advancement or have been identified as such by an assessing body.
Point Cap: Employment points are restricted to 20, regardless of additional certifications or experiences.

Which state is easy to get PR in Australia?

Tasmania is the easiest state to obtain permanent residency in Australia. It offers a variety of job options and a learning environment for talented professionals.


Obtaining a permanent residence visa in Australia requires time, consistent effort, adequate information, and patience. With the 5 ways to get permanent residence in Australia listed in this guide, you are sure to become a citizen of this great nation. Remember, this is an opportunity for you to become and explore your world in this great nation.


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